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Michelle Lowe


Parliamentary Candidate for Coventry North East in 2015


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Lowe: Make the most of our assests.


Under our Conservative led government Coventry is flourishing. I want to see the city achieve even more and make the most of our assets: two world-class universities, a skilled workforce and great infrastructure: an hour to London by train, a motorway network and an airport.

Lowe: More businesses, more apprenticeships, more affordable housing.


Together with our Conservative Councillors I want to support our government to achieve even more for Coventry. Attract more businesses to set up in the city which will mean more jobs. To help create more apprenticeships for our young people to start them off on their careers. To create more affordable housing in the city so as many people as possible can actually own their own homes.

Lowe: Coventry has been badly let down.


People in Coventry have been badly let down over the years and we have to put that right. Taking thousands of the lowest paid people out of tax altogether so that they can keep more of their hard earned money is a good start but we have to do more. We have to continue to make the case for more money for our health services including our local University Hospital and we can only do that with a growing economy. All of this is at risk should Ed Miliband win the next General Election, because he does not have any credible ideas on how to deal with the problems the country is facing.


I want to fight for a decent pension for our older people, a good health service for all of us when we need it, and world-class schools to prepare our young people for the future. And I want to make sure that the people of Britain have a chance to vote in a referendum on Europe.


It would be a real honour and a privilege to represent you, the people of Coventry North East.

Lowe online.

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